After Usui, Karuna is the next step.
Karuna® Reiki was developed by William Rand, who discovered various non-traditional symbols and attunement techniques. Many of these symbols are common to other schools of thought. This powerful Karuna® Reiki system has been called "the next step in the vibrational growth of Reiki". Karuna takes you deeper into the Reiki system and is experienced as compassionate, high-vibrational healing energy coupled with toning and chanting. This compassionate energy allows deep levels of healing and is safely supported by guides, angels, masters and enlightened beings.
This system is complete with all three levels—three attunements, four master symbols, and eight treatment symbols. As a Master, you will receive Certification and Registration to teach Karuna Reiki® through Wm Rand’s International Center for Reiki Training.
This Practitioner class is available to students who have completed Usui Mastery. Instruction and practice with a total of eight powerful symbols (four in each practitioner class) support deep healing of cellular issues, and unconscious patterns.
This class is taught in two parts, with the option to take one or both.
Certification and a comprehensive 45-page manual is provided (in class) with in-depth descriptions of each symbol and
its use.
This Master class is available to students with Usui Mastery. The four Karuna Master symbols and Master attunement support you deeply in your growth as a healer. Students learn specific toning and chanting sounds with the Karuna symbols and the guidance of guides and masters. You will be a certified and “Registered Karuna Reiki® Master” with The International Center For Reiki Training. (Founder, William Lee Rand)
Prerequisite: Karuna Reiki Practitioner certification.
A comprehensive 52-page manual is provided (in class) with in-depth descriptions of each symbol, its use, and each attunement process.
Call me at 314 644-5223 if you need to schedule a class at a different time.
Karuna Reiki